
Monday, February 18, 2013

Importance Of Training Before Using A Personal Protection Device

By Wanda E Megyese

Sandy was flushed and also doing the jig. "I took down a criminal today," she boasted. Due to some practice defense spray, this truly gave her the self-esteem to utilize the personal protection gizmo. And she must have been dead on.

I was initially unwilling to buy my own child defense spray however this was non deadly and left no permanent damage. The results, an unpleasant burning sensation within the eyes as well as on the skin and breathing constriction, were immediate upon contact however temporary, just long enough for a prey to flee the peril she confronted.

As soon as I ultimately agreed that Sandy could arm herself with a self-defense spray, I established a condition: first, she needed to learn how to make use of it correctly and confidently. I argued it was pointless to own the defense spray but not the skills to use this when needed.

So, I was thankful for practice defense sprays that were just like the real thing however used water instead of the real oleoresin capsicum contained in the actual product. You weren't throwing away real defense spray yet training your mind and muscles in its use.

However, it isn't advisable to test a practice spray on people because of the nitrogen content which pressurizes the water. It may cause skin irritation or burning in the eyes.

Sandy, being a tough chick, didn't believe in practice. But as her older sibling, Sam, discussed, during nerve-racking cases the body's automatic response is fear, that includes clammy and shaky hands and a thudding heart.

Making use of her 1/2 ounce inert practice spray simply got her own mind conditioned with exactly how to handle the device when the time came, so that real pepper spray would do precisely what it was supposed to do then: immobilize the opponent so she could run away and ask for aid.

She wound up being thankful for my insistence on her using practice pepper spray. "It just clicked in my head what I needed to do and the correct moment when I ought to do this," she stated. And the robber never stood a chance.

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