
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Robert Jain: How To Cost-Effectively Protect Your Identity

By Jason McDonald

You may not understand just how vital your identity is to your everyday life. It is used to protect you in various ways, including financially, which the likes of Robert Jain can attest. Nonetheless, it's entirely possible that your sensitive information can fall into the wrong hands, which is why it's vital to know how to keep yourself safe. Here are a few ways to do so, without simultaneously breaking the bank in the process.

When it comes to protecting your identity, being mindful of warning signs is a good place to begin. Fortunately, these aren't terribly difficult to pick up on. For example, in your mailbox, you may receive a bill that outlines a service you don't remember using. Nonetheless, your personal information seems to match up perfectly. This is just one of the potential signs that should encourage you to invest in identity protection.

Next, look into identity theft insurance plans. One of the reasons these plans matter is that they will be able to cover any costs that a lost identity can result in. As the likes of Bob Jain can tell you, these range from loss of credit to legal fees, which means that there is a wide umbrella that this type of insurance comes with. If you're worried about identity theft, it makes sense to protect yourself by purchasing insurance.

It's also worth noting that, by safely shopping online, you can continue to protect your identity. Such retailers as Amazon and eBay are known for their secure platforms, which is why even those that aren't tech-savvy tend to rely on them. Any website that begins with the "https" tag allows for encrypted communication. This is especially useful for sites that rely on ecommerce, so look at the URL of a website you're planning to buy from before completing the transaction.

Finally, be skeptical of phone calls from individuals that you're unfamiliar with. One of the most common phone call scams are imposter scams, which are carried out by those pretending to be individuals they aren't. They might claim that they're working for the bank that you're a client of, or perhaps they're posing as a family member in need of money. Whatever the case may be, these are common identity theft tactics that you should be aware of.

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