
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Size Of Your Email List Is Not Important And Here's Why

By James Kupe

A lot of people struggle to build an email list, and it's not hard to see why. Despite the millions of pages written about list building, it's still a mystery to most online business owners. Or at least making money through email marketing is, even if they get the mechanics right. A lot of online business owners put off building a list because they have found email doidn't work for them in the past. But the fact is that if you build the right type of list, full of people who respond to you, you don't need a bit list to make really good money.

Actually getting started and pushing through is the most important part. And if you work at it and follow what you learn in this article, you're going to be pleasantly surprised with the results. Here are 2 Simple List Building Rules that will make you're list building and email marketing a whole lot more profitable.

Rule 1 - Treat Your Readers Well

Building a responsive email list starts with you having the mindset of always treating your subscribers really well. Treating people well has two benefits: Your emails will be sent on to friends and family more often. Plus your readers will buy the products you recommend more often when you run a promotion.

If you work hard at building a relationship with each person on your list, you are going to see a profound change in your marketing results. Give your readers useful advice that truly HELPS them, even if they never buy anything from you. By approaching your subscribers from a position of service, you'll be able to make as much money from a list of a just a hundred or a thousand people as some of the 'gurus' make from huge lists that never buy anything.

So you're probably wondering how do build a list of people who know, like and trust you? The first step is to find out exactly what the people in your market are starving for. What's keeping those people awake at night? What big problem do they have that they'd happily pay money for a solution?

Rule 2 - Really Help People With No Expectation Of Being Paid

When you've found out what your readers really want, start by giving them advice and information that actually helps them start moving towards the solution. Give them things that help your readers take the first few steps towards solving that big problem. Then once you've helped them, you'll have much less trouble selling them products or services that get them the rest of the way towards achieving the solution.

Profitable email marketing is not about pitching one product after another without a break. Ideally you should only have one product recommendation for every 4 or 5 pieces of useful content you send. You can mention a product in each message if you're really aggressive, but think about how you feel when you get pitched all the time. Yeah, not much fun is it?

A Few Final Thoughts

People will look forward to hearing from you if you take the time to build a relationship with them through email. And if you do, you'll make a LOT more money. You'll find people can go into a semi-trance when they get your messages if you do this right. And they will buy more of the products you recommend at the same time. Certainly a nice business to be in, isn't it?

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