
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Fresh Revelations On How To Grow Your Blog

By Catherine Parker

There is growing need for individuals and brands to create blogs that can be used to enhance their online presence. However, the reality is that setting up and growing a page are two distinct activities. Experts have provided the latest secrets on how to grow your blog that will work for both individuals and corporate brands. Here are some of the tricks that will transform the page in a flash.

Choose a captivating niche to write or generate content about. Online traffic is usually very specific on topics. People will go online to look for particular information. They want the information to be provided by a trustworthy person. By choosing a niche, you should consider your knowledge and capability to enable you meet the needs of interested parties in the industry.

The website should be professionally designed. The design has an impact on how people interact with any site and how web spiders see a web page. Make the design friendly especially by ensuring that information is easy to identify. Navigating through the pages or topics should be seamless. A professional will guide you on the best design to adapt based on the targets for the site.

Rethink content on the page. While captivating titles will bring traffic to a page, it is content that will keep visitors there. Offer content that is relevant, fresh and captivating to read. It must also be SEO friendly. Further, make it engaging by using dynamic formats like text, videos and images, among others. Return traffic will solely depend on how your content is structured.

Blogs become popular when they are promoted. Promoting content involves exposing it to social media as well as other pages dealing with similar content. Email marketing is also one of the ways to promote blogs. Technology allows you to even monitor how many people clicked on a page from emails. Without promoting the page, you will be chancing on traffic.

Engage visitors on the website through content and other mechanisms. One of the best ways to engage involves the use of diverse variety of content. Include pictures, text and videos on the blog. Give visitors an opportunity to make comments and leave reviews. They feel a part of the page. Allow them to form communities and also contribute to discussions. With such communities, you are guaranteed that they will always return.

Blogs need to be reinvented and renewed on regular basis. The same old style and features are boring. Visitors want to come home to something new from time to time. Adapt fresh designs, presentation and user experience, among other elements. However, the reinvention should be tempered so that it does not appear as though you are rebranding.

The success of blogs lies in monitoring activity and taking appropriate steps. Know who is clicking on your page, when, how much time they spend there and the most visited pages, among other elements. This helps you to improve on user experience as well as provide customized services to visitors.

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